Friday 20 November 2015

UNIT 1 - Funding


There are many ways in which you can fund for a production. Some of them are: Personal Investments, License fee , Crowd funding, lottery funding.

Personal investment is when a person on their own accord decides to invest into making their own production. This can be done with their own funds and would be very costly for them. However this give them some overall production power as they can decide what their film is going to be about and they can decide what and who will be needed. This can be done by them managing everything themselves or assigning others to help make the film. Personal investment producers usually use their own initiative in making their own films and will have a rough idea i what direction they would want to go in in terms of following through their film.

The next type of funding is crowd funding. This is when you ask fans of a series or just the general public to help fund with the making of a film. Crowd funding usually has a target amount of how much money is needed for the production to go ahead. The public may think the production may be a good idea or they want their favourite/show to come back on to television. This can also help small film producers make their dream become a reality as they'd need the funds to afford everything needed to make the film. A website which you could use when using crowd funding would be the website Kick-starter. This website enables upcoming film makers to get help from the general public with money. This helps as you can set a target amount of how much you'd need (realistic amount) and the funding should start, however not everyone gets funded.

Furthermore, another way which you can get funding for a film would be through License fees. Film studios are a very helpful source due to the amount of equipment and funds they have available. if the film studio likes your idea for a film they might even fund it to be produced as long as they think they can make more money off it when its put out to the audience. The BBC are a very well known television company and they'd have a lot to offer if you were to go to them with an idea of yours. if they took it into consideration then they would probably provide the funds towards your idea and help you. This type of funding is rare and persuading the film studio to help and trust your production can be a little hard. however if successful then studios would be able to provide for you and help every step of the way in terms of funding. If the production turns out successful then the studio would be able to use the money off that to either carry on the series or make a new production.

Another form of funding is Lottery funding. With this type of funding they are responsible for distributing funds raised by the National Lottery for "good causes". The lottery can help fund funds to those who need it to make a production as they may just be starting and they wont be financially stable to start it off themselves. hence why they distribute money so you can achieve your goal. This is one of the easiest ways of getting the funds to make your movie however not everyone will have the luck to win this type of money.

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