Tuesday 3 November 2015

Production log

This week we arranged times for each of us to meet up at the first scene location after school at 4:30pm to around 7:00pm. We managed to get a lot of the scenes done within this time period. We shot at Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens and the tunnel which was next to the park. We chose this as our spot as the lighting set the mood of the film and was relatively close to us. When we started to film, we had practiced the scenes a few times so that when it actually comes to recording then we wouldn't have to have too many outtakes. This enabled us to get the scene perfect to our best possible ability.

We managed to get a lot of the scenes done within our time chosen. This made the next time of filming very simple and straight forward and saved us the time of coming back to the location and filming again. We had decided the cast and crew before hand and what days they'd have to come in to rehearse so nothing was all over the place. This turned out to be very effective as we didn't need some of the characters for specific scenes.  

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