Sunday 22 November 2015

UNIT 22- pitch evaluation

Pitch: Our pitch consisted of us telling the audience what our film was all about. We explained some of the features we will be putting into our film such as camera angles, props, characters, and how we will be spreading the word of the film itself.

We all had turns in talking about these features. We added some influences from other films such as Insidious, we played a short clip of some of the ideas we have taken from the film. The audience throughout this clip were engaged and paying close attention which shows that our film may have the same effect. I played close attention to the audiences reaction when there was a jump scare and decided to put that into our film to add the same effect.

In our pitch me, Paris and Habon took turns in presenting our ideas. We designated a specific slide for each of us to present and show to the class. By doing this we made sure that the presenting was done equally and wasn't just one person doing the whole thing. In terms of things we done good I would say that our voices were very loud so that the audience could hear what we were saying. Another thing that we done well in our presentation I think we got our idea across and the class understood what our idea was. We spoke clearly and went through every slide with ease.

When we got our feedback the class had asked questions such as "is there any stereotypical characters within the film" I explained each characters characteristics and how they'll act to give a better picture on what to expect in the film. I think it would've been better to clarify that to the class in the first place. Furthermore from the feedback we got after we had presented I would say that most of the comments from the class were very positive.

More specifically one thing we done different to the other groups is that not only did we decide to publicise our film through social media but we are gonna use the social media called 'Snapchat' to show behind the scenes of the making of the film to increase the entertainment and thus will also increase the likeability towards the film from the audience. 

The genre of our film that we as group decided would be horror with a little bit of humour to add to it. By combining the two genres I think this would make the film more engaging for the audience as I know from personal perspective that horror and humour intrigue an audience the most. We will also add some modernity to the production so that the audience we target who are teenagers 16-19 will be able to have a better connection with the production and in effect will probably add a little escapism.

In a sense of what is expected from my groups production I am expecting to see a wide variety of entertainment, quality acting and camera angles/ movement. Now, the camera movement or a significant camera movement we are going to implement into our film is the panning shot. The panning shot enables the audience to see the emigre surroundings of characters and see the scenery within the shot. I believe by doing this will create an atmosphere for the audience to imagine that they are in the film too.

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