Monday 30 November 2015

UNIT 22 - my pitch film presentation

Pitch Evaluation

As a group (Myself, Habon and Paris) our task was to come up with a short film which we would then film and produce together. We had to decide the location, genre, plot, characters and other things which was going to be in our film. We then had to present our ideas to the class in a 5 minute presentation and explain what the film will consist of. We gave examples off other films that influenced us. We also gave our own personal reasons for choosing the genre and why we wanted to choose that for our own film.


We had talked for about 5 minutes so we filled in the time we were given. We had received some of the classes feedback from our presentation and one of the students (Marcelo) had said that unlike other groups when we showed a video i had paused at each important scene and told the audience why we would put it into our film. Another positive response we received from the class is that we projected our voices very well and we were very clear in explaining our points. This was important as we needed the class to hear and have a clear understanding of what we were presenting. Furthermore, another positive strength that we had in our group is that each one of us had something to say so it wasn't just one person talking the whole time and doing all the work. We each assigned slides from the power point within our group. This ensured that we have equal points to talk about.



However even though we had done many things which were good, there were things we could improve on. One of these things was that we could've gone into more depth with some of the slides presented. For example the whole costume and props powerpoint would've been better if we had explained why we are using these props and why we had chosen the costume. Furthermore, another weakness we had was when presenting our idea for our film we should have made the PowerPoint more engaging with the audience by asking them questions for example what genre of movie do they like best. By engaging them more we could've got them to like it more as they feel involved with the production. 

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