Monday 30 November 2015

UNIT 1 - Call sheet

Risk assessment for our film

Production schedule

UNIT 22 - my pitch film presentation

Pitch Evaluation

As a group (Myself, Habon and Paris) our task was to come up with a short film which we would then film and produce together. We had to decide the location, genre, plot, characters and other things which was going to be in our film. We then had to present our ideas to the class in a 5 minute presentation and explain what the film will consist of. We gave examples off other films that influenced us. We also gave our own personal reasons for choosing the genre and why we wanted to choose that for our own film.


We had talked for about 5 minutes so we filled in the time we were given. We had received some of the classes feedback from our presentation and one of the students (Marcelo) had said that unlike other groups when we showed a video i had paused at each important scene and told the audience why we would put it into our film. Another positive response we received from the class is that we projected our voices very well and we were very clear in explaining our points. This was important as we needed the class to hear and have a clear understanding of what we were presenting. Furthermore, another positive strength that we had in our group is that each one of us had something to say so it wasn't just one person talking the whole time and doing all the work. We each assigned slides from the power point within our group. This ensured that we have equal points to talk about.



However even though we had done many things which were good, there were things we could improve on. One of these things was that we could've gone into more depth with some of the slides presented. For example the whole costume and props powerpoint would've been better if we had explained why we are using these props and why we had chosen the costume. Furthermore, another weakness we had was when presenting our idea for our film we should have made the PowerPoint more engaging with the audience by asking them questions for example what genre of movie do they like best. By engaging them more we could've got them to like it more as they feel involved with the production. 

UNIT 1-Legal Issues and regulation


The key industries which are in charge of regulating films to meet the suitability of audiences are ASA (Advertising standards authority) and BBFC (British border film classification).


These industries analyse and rate whether an advertisement or film is suitable for audiences or whether they have any misleading information etc. ASA analyse different advertisements to see if they are suitable or not or if they are misleading the audience.

ASA say that their aim is to make sure that all UK advertising, whether it appears legal, decent, honest and truthful and our preferred approach is to work with, rather than against, advertisers, agencies and media to achieve this. To prevent problems from arising in the first place. There is a wealth of advice resources available, many of them free. The ASA recognises the importance of providing a service that is accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities. 


The BBFC (British Board of Film Industries) regulate and rate what the age rating for a film should be. They base these ratings on various things such as vilonce, nudity, explicit content and and many more. The BBFC break age ratings into 7 sections these are: 

By rating films with specific age categories BBFC is making sure that the right audience is viewing these films and that nothing is too inappropriate for anyone especially children. 

The BBFC have a very wide range of people who support what they do. Many people believe that some films need to be of a certain age restriction or that maybe the film is too strict in terms of how its aged 18+ when it could be less harsh and aimed at 15 years and older. The BBFC aim and ensure that no innapropriate content is shown to the wrong viewers therefore keeping broadcasting safe and friendly for those specific audiences.

UNIT 22 - Short Film

UNIT 1 - Time management/materials/job roles

Task 1 

Time management 
Time management is an important factor to have in everything that you do. Firstly, in filmmaking, you need to be able to know what you are doing each day. This is important because it helps you keep up with your work.Secondly, it allows you to follow a route that will allow you to make your film stand out and give an effective meaning to your target audience. 

Every good film is one that has been made using time management. One film I think has stuck with its production schedule is Fast and Furious 6. I believe it took quite a while for the film to be and that kept the viewers waiting because they knew something exciting was going to come out from it. The way the movie used all the technique to grab my attention explained how much of a time it took to make it. This is why we are going to make sure our film follows all its production schedule so that it meets our target audience's expectations. 

One of the films that did not stick to its production schedule was a film called 'Boyhood' which took 12 years to make but the film was really good but the point is, is that there wasn't even a delay it was done on purpose to take 12 years and the studio behind the project IFC was all up for it because  they was doling out about $200,000 a year so Linklater could annually gather his cast and crew to shoot a few days at a time for a dozen years followed by, as Linklater put it, “a big chunk at the end” to finish the film.

Task 2

Self made materials
Self made materials are by hand, not having any help from anyone which refers to being independent resources.
Achieve materials
Achieve materials are when you buy something or if your working on something and you finish it to a good standard.

Library materials
Library material resources are something you borrow and don't do your own research.

A Machete which will make the film more realistic and will relate to our target audience and to make them feel scared and tension.
A Horror costume this will make our film look like a block buster  movie in the cinemas.

A Segway will make the film have humor and not really serious which people don't really see in horror movies.
Technological equipment
Apple macs
Budget list
Horror gown costume- £20.00
Fake machete-£3.00

Task 3 

This is the release form for myself that we had to distribute to each of the people that were involved in our production getting filmed. We needed clearance from the people on cocked so that we have permission to use them in the film. If we did not get them to sign the release form then they would not be allowed to be filmed in the production.