Wednesday 14 October 2015

UNIT 22- Assignment 1- single camera formats

Formats within single camera productions

With a single camera format there are many types of formats which give productions more of a narrative. These different formats can interest the audience in many ways. the Three different types of formats are Series, Serial and a One off series. These have been used in many successful productions such as Breaking Bad being a serial and other programs such as Gotham being a series and finally the program See-no-evil being a one off series. These programs are very popular when it comes to audience numbers, they lead audiences to watch them in different ways.

A serial is a format in which the program which links each episode to the other making a one whole story in effect as a continuation it basically where each episode picks up the narrative from where the last episode ended. The ending of each episode is usually a cliff-hanger where the audience are left to find out what will happen next.

For example the program Gotham is a serial, Gotham is a very known single camera production which racks thousands and thousands of views. The reason to this in my opinion is that the production being a series will make audiences want to find out what will happen next? or how their heroin will get out of danger this time?, will he survive or not?.

It leads audiences to ask questions and want to find out more about it. The characters within Gotham are lead through various events in which they try and overcome facing many problems, this intrigues audiences and makes them want to find out what will happen next, therefore engages them into watching it next time. Another serial which is very well known is Prison Break. The famous serial had up to about 4 million viewers world wide and racks up many positive reviews on Netflix. Each episode is a continuation from where the last one ended which in a way is very effective as audiences and viewers would be eager to find out what happened next. this can provide some escapism for audiences to get away from their own problems at home. Because the serial always ends the episode on a "cliff-hanger" the audience are practically being drawn in to find out what happens next. This is very clever and a very effective way to get audiences to watch and enjoy their show.

A series is a format in which the narrative has a different story plot each episode. This format of narrative is as effective as Serials when it comes to getting views and support form the audience In the program Doctor Who the Doctor faces different enemies to save the world from every episode. This in effect makes the audience want to find out what problem will their heroin have to face next. This gives the audience an advantage as the storyline does not pre-long the whole way through. An advantage for the audience is that by knowing each episode is going to be different then they can have a form of escapism to see what it's like In the life inside the production. This enables the audience to enjoy it more which will get the product ok views, therefore getting the producers more money and fame. By going with this producers can make more episodes with the money made.

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