Tuesday, 6 October 2015

UNIT 22-shows that use single camera production

Shihab Malik

Shows that use a single camera format

Single camera productions are simply filmed with one camera; many films have been based on a single camera production and have come out to be big sellers at box office. There are also many TV shows as well as films that have been based and produced through single camera. Although single camera productions have been very success there are some cons with the whole setting transition of it.

One of many single camera productions that are well known and is one of my favourite single camera productions is Modern Family. Modern Family is a sitcom mockumentary show based in America Los Angeles which is about a huge family and some friends who face day to day problems and difficulties with a touch of classic humour. The show televises on Sky+1 and gets a lot of good ratings for its entertainment factor.

The show has many stages in which the camera has to change and focus on specific parts for the entertainment quality to be at its finest, this is where the use of single camera work comes in handy as using single camera makes editing much easier and quicker for the director. The show within itself has some scenes filmed separately but when edited comes out as if it happened simultaneously, this is another factor how the use of editing with single camera brings out the best for the audiences entertainment.
Another show that uses single camera is a televised program which uses single camera is very known in the UK which is Eastenders. EastEnders is a soap drama which has been running on television for many decades now and shows on BBC. EastEnders is filmed and produced through the means of single camera which means each scene is filmed separately in order for them to get the right technique and visualization for the audience watching at home.

When in conversation the camera man has to film one actor talking and then the other, when edited it seems as if the actors have been talking casually and normally but in reality it was parted. As i said before with single camera productions or any production in fact comes with many hours and hard work of editing in order for the finished product to come out right and be up to its highest standards for the people watching at home.

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